Asbestos Contamination

Asbestos in New Zealand is a significant health hazard.  A highly-effective and inexpensive fire-retardant material and thermal and acoustic insulator, asbestos was used extensively in home construction from the early 1940s through the 1980s.

However, we now know that prolonged exposure to asbestos fibres can lead to lung disease. When disturbed, tiny abrasive asbestos fibres are easily inhaled, which damages lung tissue and can cause cancer.

Asbestos containing materials were imported into New Zealand until 2016. As a result, it is possible that even recently built properties include asbestos containing materials. However, as a rule of thumb, properties built before 2000 are considered likely to include materials that contain asbestos. While properties built in 2000 or later are less likely to include materials that contain asbestos

In homes built prior to 1975, asbestos is most commonly found as thermal insulation on basement boilers and pipes. Unfortunately, it can also be found in a multitude of other household materials.

Under the HSWA (Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016), Persons Controlling Businesses or Undertakings (PCBUs) are required to have in place an asbestos management plan. This identifies how asbestos containing materials will be managed to ensure that anyone who accesses their property remains healthy and safe. As part of the Asbestos Management Plan development process, it may be appropriate to have a detailed asbestos survey completed and this is where CPINZ can help.

Why you should do an Asbestos Survey

  • Protect your property and inhabitants from asbestos
  • Comply with the control of asbestos regulation
  • Understand whether your building contains asbestos and what type of asbestos
  • Plan and manage asbestos and asbestos risk

What is required for Business Owners by law?

The PCBU (Person Conducting Business or Undertaking), based on HSWA (Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016) must make sure that any ACM (asbestos containing materials) at the workplace is considered and taken into account prior to any work being undertaken.

A PCBU who does not follow HSWA regulations, could be liable with significant fines – up to $50,000 –  and/or conviction.

As of April 2018 it became mandatory for a PCBU to ensure there is an:

  • Have an Asbestos Register for the workplace
  • Have an Asbestos Management Plan (to locate the extent and assess the condition of, as far as is practicable, any suspected asbestos containing material (ACM) in a building)
  • Provide access to the Asbestos Register to other parties coming on site

Asbestos Assessment/Survey - How much does it cost?

Asbestos Management Survey starting price is from $399.

Contact us on Phone 0508 723 346

or click here to complete an enquiry form

Do you have an Asbestos Management Plan?

For $79.95 you can be compliant, just complete our online Asbestos Management Plan.

To know more call us on 0508 723 346

Click here to find out more.

Our Policy

CPINZ recommends using qualified surveyors who undertake comprehensive investigations of property for the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM). The property is surveyed in accordance with Work Safe and BOHS IP 402 guidelines.

Our asbestos samples are processed through IANZ Accredited and Work Safe New Zealand recognised laboratories.

Our Asbestos service offering

  • A Management survey serves to locate the extent and assess the condition of, as far as is practicable, any suspected asbestos containing material (ACM) in a building. The survey will estimate whether the ACM could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation. 
  • A Refurbishment & Demolition survey is required before any work is carried out. It is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where demolition or refurbishment work will take place.
  • A Bulk Analysis survey involves a site visit to collect samples of suspected ACMs which are delivered to an accredited laboratory for analysis.
Our trained surveyors (BOHS P402) will determine whether there is an urgent need for asbestos removal or whether an ACM can be registered (Asbestos Register) and managed on site. CPINZ will prepare a comprehensive site asbestos survey report, risk assessment, register and management plan. Providing an independent report and impartial recommendations for the monitoring and safe removal of any ACMs found to be present. We also ensure full legal and regulatory compliance for your business.

Where Asbestos can be found

Asbestos can be found in common building products such as:

  • Asbestos wall panels
  • Sound proofing wall panels
  • Asbestos ceiling panels
  • Insulation materials used in ceilings
  • Asbestos roofing material
  • Felt roof lining materials
  • Vinyl floor tiles
  • Asbestos fire blankets
  • Acoustic ceiling tiles
  • Soffit panels (located under the eaves)
  • Insulation materials used to lag hot water cylinders and hot water pipes
  • Hessian covered cork notice boards
  • Texture type wall and ceiling coverings
  • Bricks used in night storage heaters
  • Bricks and products used in fireplaces

What asbestos can look like

Types of Asbestos


Commonly referred to as “white asbestos” is a serpentine mineral, has fibres that are generally finer and more flexible than other types of asbestos and has a high level of heat resistance.

Generally chrysotile was used in consumer products such as brake pads, insulation, roofing materials and claddings.


Amosite is generally referred to as “brown asbestos” and is considered to be the highest risk to health of all the different types of asbestos, although all types can cause disease.

It was used in buildings for its good heat resistance and high tensile strength, and is generally found in cladding materials, roof membranes, thermal insulation and fire protection.


Commonly referred to as “blue asbestos” this has very thin fibres which are more prone to lodging in the lungs than other types. It is most likely found in spray-on insulation, ceiling tiles, insulation, claddings and boilers.


This is a amphibole silicate mineral and can be found in spray-on insulation, ceiling tiles, insulation, claddings and boilers.


Ranges in colour from white to grey to brown. It is one of the rarest types of asbestos and is used in products such as talcum powder and vermiculite.


Can be brown, grey, white or green and is strong, flexible and has good thermal resistance. It is generally found in roofing materials, plumbing materials, insulation and paint.